Affiliate Program

Affiliate program for publishers

Within our affiliate program, publisher can benefit from our success in attracting new members. You will increase your revenue by helping us to grow worldwide. To do this, register as an affiliate to obtain your own recruitment link. Our affiliate program is addressed to Webmasters, Bloggers, Writers, Influencers with a client database, an own website, youtube channel or active social media pages, and not to panel member referrals.

It would be a pleasure to have you as a partner. Register now!

Your benefits in overview

You will receive a commission for sending legal leads via your personal link. A legal lead is, if a user subscribes on a simple form (including DOI) and engages an action on our site.

Once your user completes his first survey or easy task, at least for 1000 points, you will earn an affiliate bonus of 1.50 US$ – incentives are allowed! Additionaly, as your user reaches the $10 payout, you will get another bonus of 5.00 US$ per member. Affiliate targets are about 20 countries worldwide.

Payments are made conveniently through PayPal automatically from an amount of 50 US$ each month, for the previous months’ transactions.

Trust in our company

We are an online market research company led by European market researchers, with more than 25 years experience in online surveys business. Our multi-decade experiences have enabled us to develop and perform research services for well-founded knowledge acquisition. Realization expertise is why we have gained the trust of companies from widely varying sectors and numerous agencies, as well as market research institutes for our core capabilities.

Take a look in our Affiliate Terms and Conditions
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